Monday, November 22, 2010

Biking in the Smoky Mountains (Gatlinburg, Tennessee & North Carolina)

Motorcycle enthusiasts love the Smoky Mountains & Blue Ridge Mountains as a scenic adventure of riding their bikes each year. Here are a few videos, links, & guidelines to review for those bikers out there who plan a 2011 visit. There are also biker-friendly chalets, log cabins, & townhomes out there that can accommodate you no matter the size of your group. You can even rent bikes in the Smokies. There is a motorcycle museum less than 1 hour away from Gatlinburg. There is also a Harley-Davidson Museum in Pigeon Forge (full-service dealership):
105 Waldens Main Street
Pigeon Forge, TN 37863
Phone: 865-774-3445

Come see us in the Smoky Mountains! It will be the road trip of a lifetime here in the Gatlinburg & Pigeon Forge areas of Tennessee!

Other information provided by the National Park:
Motorcycle Safety

Every year park rangers investigate many motorcycle accidents. Unfortunately, a significant number involve fatalities.

Be alert: Animals may dart out from forest edges. Other drivers may pay too much attention to the scenery and cross over the center line into your travel lane or may suddenly stop their vehicles in the middle of the road to observe wildlife. Sleet and snow may fall on higher elevation roads during any month of the year. Rocks, tree limbs, or gravel may be strewn across roads after storms or high winds. These and other unforeseen conditions can lead to motorcycle accidents.

Suggestions for Motorcycle Riding

•Watch for vehicles straying over the center line.

•Stay alert for sudden stops or traffic slow-downs, especially around scenic pullouts or other congested areas.

•Wear brightly colored clothing or jackets to increase visibility to other motorists.

•Carry raingear.

•Be aware of road surfaces as you ride. Look ahead for oil spots, loose rocks, trees or tree limbs, and gravel or sand (gravel or sand is spread on roads for traction during snowy or icy weather).

•Watch for wildlife at the forest edge.

•Be alert for weather changes—unexpected rain, snow, ice, and hail can make park roads hazardous throughout the year.

•Secure your motorcycle and valuables when you are away from your bike.

•Shake the crowds! Explore some of the lesser used areas and roads.

State Laws Require:

•Wear an approved motorcycle safety helmet.

•Don't speed or pass on a double line—park rangers enforce traffic regulations.

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